Thursday, March 3, 2011

IF: Swarm

I found this topic quite challenging because I thought the topic was quite limited to the theme of insects, and I don't like to be too literate in image making. So I decided to depict a "swarm" of people as my illustration subject for this week. The exercise was good for me, since it provided me with an opportunity to practice making patterns. I haven't really done any before and this week's topic allowed me to do that.


  1. Beautiful colors. I love how lively this illustration is.

  2. nice work. i love the rhythms in the piece. I really like your style

  3. I adore this piece.

    It reminds me of zebra crossings.

    If I was a business operator in need of an illustrator, I'd sooo hired ya!

  4. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! I wasn't really sure about this piece at first because I made it really fast and I made it into a pattern so that was a bit out of my comfort zone.

    reena - Well actually the stripes were meant to represent zebra crossings, so that is exactly what I meant by them. And I'll hold ya to ya word about the illustration job proposal! ;)

  5. ooo wow, really awesome stuff! if i decide to change my blog design, i'll for sure ask you !! =)

  6. Hi. Really nice to hear that you like my work. I'm still sort of getting used to the idea of getting my work seen on the net. A blog is a nice practice platform for things like that and to prepare stuff to display on the future website that I intend to build soon.
    Thanks for the nice comment. :)
